Sunday, July 13, 2014


Words. They drip from of your lover's lips like golden honey. They spew forth from angry mouths with the fury of a thousand geysers. We type them, sing them, softly whisper them. Sometimes we carefully plan them. Other times they come bursting out of us without warning. Do you ever stop to think about the words that come from you? Are they kind? Compassionate? Uplifting? Or are they demeaning, judgmental or cruel?  Words can cut us like daggers or caress us like the finest silk.What impact are your words having on your own life and the world around you?

Your words have the power to create your reality. The words we say and the thoughts we think write the story of our lives. When you truly understand and believe this you gain a tremendous sense of power. If you are the one creating the all of the trials, tribulations and drama in your life... then you are the one who has the ability to make it stop. This power also comes with responsibility. If you have the power to create your own story, then you have to own it. There can be no blaming others or waiting for someone or something to save you. YOU have to take charge and stop making excuses. It means that you have to be more mindful of things you say to others and the things you say to yourself. Are you telling yourself "I am beautiful. I am worthy. I deserve good things. I am loveable" or are you saying "I'm ugly. I'm fat. I'm stupid. I'm worthless. No one will ever love me. Nothing good ever happens to me." "If it weren't for bad luck, I'd have no luck at all." What sort of story are you writing?

Here are some tips:

1. Pay attention to your inner critic

Most of us would never say the things that we say to ourselves, to other people. What makes you think that the sweet little girl in the grocery store deserves love and respect any more than you do? Would you call her stupid or fat or ugly? No, of course not. You deserve just as much love and kindness as that little girl. When you find yourself thinking or saying something negative, cancel it out and say something positive (even if you don't believe it yet!)

2. Positive affirmations

Write them on everything! Collage, paint, doodle, scribble positive things everywhere! I have "I am happy and healthy" on my bathroom mirror. I have "I trust myself" on my the windshield of my car. I have a coffee mug I painted with "Love yourself" written on it. I have tons of positive, inspiring collages and artsy stuff all over my house... on my fridge, on the doors and on every wall in every room! Surround yourself with positive statements... after a while you will start to believe these things! ;)

3. Positive people

Just like the affirmations, you need to surround yourself with positive people. The people you hang out with influence your reality. If you hang out with people who are constantly negative they will start to bring you down. Even if you don't feel particularly upbeat and positive, make friends with people who are. Like pages on Facebook that post positive things. Talk to new people, join groups, be part of a community of positive, inspiring people!

4. Heal your inner child

Most of the things we believe were ingrained in us during our childhood. We started writing our stories based on beliefs of other people. Even if we had a different belief it was easy for another person's opinion to override our own. Let's imagine that little Sally loves to draw. She spends all of her free time drawing animals, flowers, unicorns, etc. She knows that she is wonderful and dreams of one day being a famous artist. One evening Sally's dad came home after having a particularly bad day at work. Sally wanted to cheer him up so she drew him a picture to make him feel better. Instead of being grateful for the picture he crumbled it up and said it was stupid and that he didn't have time to deal with her. Sally can either understand that her dad had a bad day and that he wrongfully took it out on her OR (most likely) Sally will create several beliefs from this one incident. She could create a beliefs like "I am not good at art", "art is stupid", "I am stupid", "no one has time for me", "I am not good enough for my dad", "I am not good enough", "My opinion doesn't matter", etc. Just one incident has the possibility of setting up an entire belief structure full of lies. Once she accepts these things as truth, the Universe will begin to validate her beliefs. More and more people will mirror these beliefs to her, further strengthening them. Schoolmates might call her stupid. She might get a boyfriend who belittles her. You get the picture. You have to go inside and talk to your inner child and heal them. You have to sit down and write out all of the beliefs you have and ask yourself if they are true or not. You might be surprised at the things you believe about yourself and the world!

5. Choose your words carefully

Not only do you create your own story, you add to the collective story. Choose your words (and thoughts) carefully and really think about the impact that they will have on people. The picture accompanying this post is from The Four Agreements. Be impeccable with your word and realize that you are impacting everything around you. Think before you speak. If it does not come from love, don't say it. <3Build people up and help them create positive beliefs about themselves and about the world around them. Help change people's old stories by proving them wrong. They might have been telling themselves for years that they are hideous and just one person saying, "You have beautiful eyes" might be enough to get them thinking and possibly rewrite that story. Think about how the things you say could profoundly impact others. Don't be Sally's dad!!

You are more powerful than you ever imagined! Can you believe that what you think and say really does create the world around you? If you don't believe it, you can experiment. Try not to criticize yourself or others or complain for one day. See how it makes you feel! Do it for another day and see if anything changes. Write some positive things on your wall and actually read them! I am beautiful. I am worthy of love. I am happy. I am healthy. I deserve the perfect job. I am loved and supported. I have everything I need. Stop focusing on what you don't have, don't want, can't get rid of or you never will. Imagine living the life you want. Feel how it would feel. Smell how it would smell. Embrace it. Believe that it is possible... because it is. You are loveable. You are love. You are enough. Every morning when  you are brushing your teeth, combing your hair, etc... look into the mirror and tell yourself, "I love you." See how these little changes can impact your life.  Choose your words wisely and rewrite your story just how you've always wanted it to be. Go forth and live the life you deserve!

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