Sunday, March 16, 2014

Dead Bug

Painting: Divine Connection by Cindy Lowy Fess

This morning I did something that I have regretted for hours now. I killed a bug. I swatted away a tiny bug and it died. It sounds silly but it is not in my nature to be aggressive or to kill things. I wasn't concerned about the bug's well-being, I was only worried about the fact that it was annoying me and invading my space. That's the problem, you see. I lost connection with the Source. I forgot in that two second encounter that we are all connected, that we are all One. I slipped into my ego and had no concern for the bug. Did it have a bug family? Did it have a bug schedule today? Are it's bug friends going to be wondering why it didn't come home or show up to the bug party tonight? I don't know but all of those questions are haunting me. It scares me because I see how easy it was to slip away from Love and to fall into my ego. I see that it was easy to not think and just react. I see how easy it is for people to worry about themselves and harm other beings in the process. I see now how important it is to constantly stay in the flow and stay connected to Love. One can do horrible things when they are disconnected. This disconnection is the reason that humans feel it is okay to rape, torture and murder other humans. It is the reason that people rip fur off of helpless animals to make designer coats. It is the reason that people are okay with animals living and dying in misery so that they can cook dinner for their families at night. It is the reason that soldiers are okay with killing numerous people from other countries in the name of "freedom". It is the reason we buy clothing made by the hands of slave labor in Asia. It is the reason why people cut down forests, blast the mountain tops and completely are completely destroying Mother Earth. Most individuals live in this constant state of disconnection. The varying degree of disconnection determines what someone is willing to do and who or what they are willing to harm in order to live more comfortably. It disturbs me because I fell into the trap this morning and it was only after I did something horrible that I snapped back into the flow. We have to find ways to remember our connection. It is important. It is imperative that we do so. Can you imagine how the world would be if everyone remembered that we all come from the same Source? If everyone respected every single rock, tree, flower, animal, human and bug? Can you imagine if the suffering of one being could be felt by all others? Ultimately, it is felt by all of us but we aren't tuned in enough to notice it. Imagine if we all tuned in to that connectedness. No one could harm anyone else because it would be felt by all. I truly believe we are moving toward a reality like this but it is up to each and every one of us to do our part. We must stay connected. When we feel ourselves slipping, we have to jump back into the flow. When we notice someone that we care about falling into the trap, we have to gently remind them and pull them back to Love. This is how the change will happen. This is how the old paradigm will crumble and this beautiful new reality will emerge from the ashes. Stay close to Love and help your brothers and sisters stay there also. As for the bugs, don't kill them... even if they are a bit annoying.

R.I.P Bug and thank you for helping me remember my connection. 

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