Sunday, January 26, 2014

Blocking the Flow

While doing a tarot reading for myself earlier today, I realized something. Ego blocks the flow. I already knew this but I saw in my mind how my ego was like a dam. My need for control is blocking so many things from flowing into my life!! Just like a dam, my ego is trying to control the flow and only allow certain things to come to me. If you look at the image above of Libby Dam and view it as a metaphor for the flow of the Universe, you can imagine how many opportunities and experiences you might be missing out on by building up your ego dam! The Universe is vast and expansive. It is full of so many opportunities and unimaginable bliss. I realize that to tap into this vastness might be a bit frightening. It requires surrender. It requires release. It requires that I let go and trust Spirit. The sheer thought of this release makes me tense and fearful. Instead of avoiding these feelings I want to dive head-first into them and explore their deepest recesses. I'll ask myself the following questions:

Why do you feel the need to control everything in your life?
What would happen if you just let go?
Why are you scared of trusting the Universe?
What would your life look like if you let go and trusted?
What are some steps you can take (starting today) to begin to release your need for control and start to trust? 

In addition to exploring feelings I like to create positive affirmations and write them on my mirrors or create something and hang it on my walls! I truly believe in the power of our thoughts and words and their ability to shape our reality. Here are a few examples of the ones I used.

I release my need for control. I am safe and supported by the Universe.
I open myself to the flow of the Universe. I am supported and I am blessed. 
I surrender and allow the Universe to care for me.

If you are struggling with the same issue and want to complete the exercise, please comment below and let me know about your experience and share some of your own affirmations!

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